Saturday, December 30, 2006
my cigarettes and alcohol tonight.
Records on the floor.
I'm giving back whats yours
remember us last weekend
dancing to the psychedelic furs.
I tried to tell myself
that we could be alright.
now it's me and my
cigarettes and alcohol tonight.
So screen all the phone calls
and put the chain on the front door.
and if you see her
tell her I don't live here anymore.
Driving neighbors crazv
with after hour fights
everything makes more sense
thank God that we broke it off that night.
Holding on to you
is like playing with broken glass.
I'm fighting off the memories
and all the living in the past.
The post cards in the drawer
The pictures on the wall.
The sound of little footsteps
that echo through the hall.
sound like a heart beat.
It's like a heart beat
It's like a heart break beat
and it's beating out of me.
So screen all the phone calls
and put the chain on the front door.
and if vou see her
tell her I don.t live here anymore.
So pull all the shades down
and turn off the radio.
and if you see her
tell her I moved down to Mexico.
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Friday, December 29, 2006
bleeding heart
this will be a lonely new year.
unless someone wants to date 3 GUYS out.
please inform me.
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
givin' it up
am i thinking?
was i thinking?
there's no denying i feel the same way too
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Sunday, December 24, 2006
i shit you not
asus event over for this week i guess.
crappy shit ive been missing trainings.
merry christmas to you guys btw.
from today's party i can conclude something.
angmoh girls + trance/rave/retro/tango = PARTY
angmoh girls + rnb = zzz
totally awesome.
but not exactly when i see equinox lights flashing all over the dancefloor's windows.
4 consecutive late nights.
ithink the guard thinks im gay when ct sends me home all the time =\
my burp and farts smell really weird. like from the 6mixed drinks and 2 bottles of beer
k better stop befroe i puke on my keyboard
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Saturday, December 23, 2006
a thousand apologies
i seriously wanna be a girl man
15/hr just giving out flyers. and poor runner boy me earns 2 hours of their pay for the WHOLE day.
like we dont even earn that much selling our asses please.
i need asugarr mummy please.
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Thursday, December 21, 2006
if you dont, dont
What’s wrong baby
Don’t they treat you like they should?
Did you take ’em for it?
Every penny that you could
We once walked out on the beach
And once I almost touched your hand
Oh how I dreamed to finally say such things
Then only to pretend
Don’t you know what I’m thinkin’
Drivin' four or five past midnight
You know I miss you
Don’t you know that I miss you
Ninth and Ash on a Tuesday night
I would write to you from museum mile
A toast to you, your whisper, your smile
Up the stairs at Weatherford
A ghost each place I hide
If you don’t don't know,why would you say so?
Would you mean this please if it happens?
If you don’t know, why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight
If you don’t know, honey, would you just say so?
Cause I need this now
More than I ever did
If you don’t well, honey, then you don’t
I left you waiting,
At the least could we be friends?
Should have never started
Ain’t that the way it always ends?
On my life I'll try today
There’s so much I've felt I should say, but
Even if your heart would listen
I Doubt I could explain
If you don't don't know, why'd you say so?
Would you mean this, please if it happens?
If you don’t know, Why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight
If you don’t know, honey, would you just say so?
Cause I need this now more than I ever did
If you don’t well, honey
Then you don’t
So here we are now
A sip of wine a sip of water
Someday maybe, maybe
Someday we’ll be smarter
And I’m sorry that I’m such a mess
I drank all my money could get and
Took everything You let me have and Then I
never loved you back
If you don’t don't know
Why would you say so?
Would you mean the
Please if it happens?
If you don’t know, why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight?
If you don’t know, honey, would you just say so?
Cause I need this now. yeah need this, need this
If you don’t well, honey, then you don’t
And if you don’t well, honey then you don’t
If you don’t know, honey
Honey, then you don’t
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i have the best job in the world.
like seriously
okay so..
iwas surveyign around and i overhead a conversation.
pretty darn funny but kinda makes u ponder
guy1: i wanna turn over a new leaf
guy2: but i thought both sides of your leaf had been used already.
perhaps its time to start living and stop dreading
ct told me that the 2 han's that we know are in pretty darn far places now.
im the last han around.
boy.. doesnt it make you wanna cherish me more? :P
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
take it away
I'm lying to myself
And this dagger's my excuse
I'm a pawn
I should have paid up
and I left an hour late
I was laid off
I must abuse myself
I'm against all that I've made up
Set in stone the sun will come
And I hate light
You know I hate light
to me it looks so pretty burning
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
you're a few years overdue
k finally im gonna write one on my own.
AHAH ITS OVER BIATCH! ... exams i mean
you know that feeling when you work really hard and it really shows?
yea ive got that =P
hahaah well..
the past 2 weeks were filled with smokes and caffine.
like seriously. and even today was.
but welll... IM OVER IT.
sweated it out this evening with kenny.
the after effects did show how much ive deproved.. but im determined.
watch out. you can eat my backwash again
i needa work. but meanwhile its party party party =D
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
down on my head
I never thought I would wake up in bed
watching the world coming down on my head
I'd sleep like a dog if you would never have said
this is the world coming down on your head
hhaha last paper 2mr man!
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Monday, December 11, 2006
two weeks from twenty
Left the ground
In black and white
And when the plane went down
The colors all around
I know by now
The margin's slight
And still I can't get out, she's all I think about, can't let her go
It's who you know
We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go
Let her go
She moves fast,
Takes control and like a heart attack I know I can't turn back
And time just passed
Nights moved slow
And she was all I had, I thought I'd never last, can't let her go
It's who you know
She calls out the farther that I fly
I love that sound so give me one more line
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
k if your a yellowcard fan you'd have figured out that its rough landing holly.
i havent been a healthy boy these days.
lord please save the brain
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Why Santa Won’t Be Visiting Singapore This Year
Why Singapore is no go for ho, ho, ho this year...
1. Haze too thick even for Rudolph.
2. Reindeer injured last year when landing on the Esplanade
3. So this year, Changi Airport is making him land his sleigh at the Budget Terminal.
4. Mrs Claus fed up that last year, he allowed a suspiciously large number of SPGs to sit on his lap.
5. Gets annoyed by everyone addressing him as “Pooi Eh” all the time.
6. Got some letter from a little girl here telling him to “get out of my elite, uncaring face.”
7. Can’t compete with Vivo City.
8. Judging by the Swarovski crystal Christmas tree on Orchard Road, you Singaporeans can afford to buy your own bleddy presents!
9. Had bad food poisoning last year after eating mee siam with hum.
10. Afraid his sleigh will be shot down by super kan cheong air force.
11. Some other people here have already taken over his business of knowing when you are sleeping and knowing when you’re awake.
12. Ministry of Health says his obesity sets a very bad example for the nation.
13. Heard he has to pay 7% GST on the goods he’s distributing in the country.
14. PM’s wife has complained about his trademark “ho ho ho” laugh.
15. Doesn’t want to pay ERP charges when his sleigh comes in
16. Heard that he and his elves coming into Singapore might kena
charged with illegal assembly under proposed Penal Code changes.
17. Annoyed that Temasek is trying to get a controlling stake in the North Pole.
18. Too busy in Malaysia trying to have Mrs. Claus blown up with a hand grenade.
somehow i find 8 extremely funny.
screw you if you dont. =P
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Thursday, December 07, 2006
test are falling down falling down falling down.
i wished they fell into the sea.
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Monday, December 04, 2006
wah fuck man.
some people seriously have NO LIFE la.
hogging the winningeleven disk for 4HOURS!!
i waited frm 630 till 8 for the disk. and STILL NO play?
who thehell in the world PAYS money to PLAY WINNING ELEVEN for 4HOURS ALONE!!!!!!!!!
ct was cheehonging in hKcafe (again).
and he didnt have to tell the whole world i was pissed.
and he didnt have to tell the waitress i was pissed.
but he was just flirting i guess HAHAAHA.
and they messed up my order.
but they didnt make me pay anyhow. so i'll fug it
junhanismuscles | | # | 
Sunday, December 03, 2006
ignore this
We managed to generate ideas for categorizing. The more unusual ones turned out pretty well so we decided to use them for sketching. Creativity got the better of us so we decided to add in elements for the sketches.
The job of the process controller was the hardest of all.
During the categorizing of ideas, many different approaches were used, negative, positive and others.
But it was the “Overview” approach that gave the final decision of where the different ideas would be placed in the categories.
junhanismuscles | | # |