cant catch tomorrow
mmm i think my papers have ended.
free (fr
But somehow it doesnt feel special.
mm maybe the anticipation killed it.
so i met ct for coffee at taka and i dropped the spoon twice. and the waitress prolly thought i did it on purpose, oh please i did not. im just clumsy and im not gonna ask for your number.
no i did not drop it on purpose, so im not gonna talk to you just replace my spoon and so im not gonna talk to you or ask for your number because i did not drop the spoon on purpose!
kz has a girlfriend,and two handsome bodyguards.
i dont know why im feeling like this? ct's talk on the bus got me thinking. about true.. love?
if you wooed someone for really long, or someone wooed you for quite soem time too. chances are that you wont last if you guys got together. and it did happen to me i guess.
instead of making the relationship 100% complete wtih like 90% from the suitor, which at some point of time just decrease cause time kills interest. so yea. you get the idea
whereas if it was a mutual understanding it would turn outdifferently?
gets you wondering doesnt it.
free (fr

adj. fre·er, fre·est
1. Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.
2. Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: felt free to go.
a. Having political independence: "America . . . is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world" Rudolph W. Giuliani.
b. Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties: a free citizenry.
c. Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government: a free press.
a. Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance: a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need.
b. Not subject to a given condition; exempt: income that is free of all taxes.
5. Not subject to external restraint: "Comment is free but facts are sacred" Charles Prestwich Scott.
6. Not literal or exact: a free translation.
a. Costing nothing; gratuitous: a free meal.
b. Publicly supported: free education.
a. Not occupied or used: a free locker.
b. Not taken up by scheduled activities: free time between classes.
9. Unobstructed; clear: a free lane.
10. Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.
11. Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.
12. Liberal or lavish: tourists who are free with their money.
13. Given, made, or done of one's own accord; voluntary or spontaneous: a free act of the will; free choices.
14. Chemistry Physics
a. Unconstrained; unconfined: free expansion.
b. Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion: a free electron.
c. Not chemically bound in a molecule: free oxygen.
d. Involving no collisions or interactions: a free path.
e. Empty: a free space.
f. Unoccupied: a free energy level.
15. Nautical Favorable: a free wind.
16. Not bound, fastened, or attached: the free end of a chain.
17. Linguistics
a. Being a form, especially a morpheme, that can stand as an independent word, such as boat or bring.
b. Being a vowel in an open syllable, as the o in go.
1. In a free manner; without restraint.
2. Without charge.
tr.v. freed, free·ing, frees
1. To set at liberty; make free: freed the slaves; free the imagination.
2. To relieve of a burden, obligation, or restraint: a people who were at last freed from fear.
3. To remove obstructions or entanglements from; clear: free a path through the jungle.
But somehow it doesnt feel special.
mm maybe the anticipation killed it.
so i met ct for coffee at taka and i dropped the spoon twice. and the waitress prolly thought i did it on purpose, oh please i did not. im just clumsy and im not gonna ask for your number.
no i did not drop it on purpose, so im not gonna talk to you just replace my spoon and so im not gonna talk to you or ask for your number because i did not drop the spoon on purpose!
kz has a girlfriend,and two handsome bodyguards.
i dont know why im feeling like this? ct's talk on the bus got me thinking. about true.. love?
if you wooed someone for really long, or someone wooed you for quite soem time too. chances are that you wont last if you guys got together. and it did happen to me i guess.
instead of making the relationship 100% complete wtih like 90% from the suitor, which at some point of time just decrease cause time kills interest. so yea. you get the idea
whereas if it was a mutual understanding it would turn outdifferently?
gets you wondering doesnt it.
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